Last updated: 30 August 2017, 16:52 UTC
Officers and Aircrew of  No.255
Squadron circa 16 July 1942

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Squadron Aircrew July 1942

Photo © Alfred Lammer (1909–2000), taken on or about 16 July 1942. Reproduced here with consent of his son.
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in photo
Rank and NameRole in
Back Row, left to right...
[1]1186628Sergeant Denis Sydney POLLARDNavigator Radio
[2]?Flight Sergeant T.E. BROADHEADNavigator Radio
[3]1393655Sergeant James Lascelles HOODNavigator Radio
[4]759267Flight Sergeant Henry William UEZZELLNavigator Radio
[5]R/77772Flight Sergeant Thomas Henry CAMERON (Canadian). Later commissioned, Officer Service Number J/17785Pilot
[6]1383455Sergeant Kevin Thomas Anthony O’SULLIVAN – Commissioned as Pilot Officer w.e.f. 29.May.1942 but not Gazetted until 25.August.1942, hence still in NCO’s uniform when the photograph was taken in mid-July. Officer Service number 127032Pilot
[7]954121Sergeant Robert Ashley GRIFFITH – Commissioned as Pilot Officer w.e.f. 09.Jun.1942 but not Gazetted until 15.September.1942, hence still in NCO’s uniform when the photograph was taken in mid-July. Officer Service number 128683Navigator Radio
[8]785014Flight Sergeant Philip Stanley KENDALL – Commissioned as Pilot Officer w.e.f. 27.May.1942 but not Gazetted until 25.August.1942, hence still in NCO’s uniform when the photograph was taken in mid-July. Officer Service number 127038Pilot
[9]973558Flight Sergeant John WILLINSNavigator Radio
[10]1161497Warrant Officer Frederic Mitton ROBBINSNavigator Radio
[11]?Sergeant W.J. HOODNavigator Radio
[12]112517Flying Officer Ronald WYNZARNavigator Radio
Middle Row, left to right...
[1]105877Pilot Officer Sydney CRACKNELLIntelligence Officer
[2]48438Pilot Officer Charles Vincent Stanley SEXTONSignals Officer
[3]1190532Flight Sergeant Peter Lionel CROFTNavigator Radio
[4]?Flight Sergeant A.H. BIGGSNavigator Radio
[5]109497Pilot Officer Edward Stanley HICKMORENavigator Radio
[6]46925Pilot Officer Valentine George James PHILLIPSPilot
[7]112516Pilot Officer John Cameron COXPilot
[8]102587Pilot Officer Henry Reginald CLARKEPilot
[9]112518Pilot Officer Charles Richard HILLNavigator Radio
[10]123837Pilot Officer Herbert Ingram STEPHENPilot
[11]116694Pilot Officer Roland Hope KANENavigator Radio
[12]1162810Sergeant Douglas Charles PENWARDENNavigator Radio
[13]104983Flying Officer Terence Nigel Norman BRENNANMedical Officer
[14]115787Pilot Officer Philip Newton NIELDSignals RDF Officer
Front Row, left to right...
[1]40194Flying Officer Robert Ian McCHESNEYNavigator Radio
[2]60526Flying Officer Robert Merton GRAHAMPilot
[3]81940Flight Lieutenant Alfred ("Freddie") LAMMERSenior Navigator Radio
[4]89594Flight Lieutenant John Douglas WRIGHTPilot
[5]39632Squadron Leader Dennis HAYLEY-BELL, DFCFlight Commander
of 'A' Flight, Pilot
[6]26126Wing Commander Frank William STANNARDStation Commander, not of No.255 Squadron
[7]33168Wing Commander D.P.D.G. (Piers) KELLY, holding "P/O Bruce"Pilot and Squadron CO
[8]87882Flight Lieutenant David Handel MILLSSquadron Adjutant
[9]40316Squadron Leader John Howard PLAYERFlight Commander
of 'B' Flight, Pilot
[10]90543Flight Lieutenant Peter William DUNNING-WHITE, DFCPilot
[11]89626Flying Officer Hugh Graham Stanhope WYRILLPilot
[12]113989Pilot Officer Douglas Haig GREAVESPilot
[13]108608Pilot Officer Anthony Sheldon KENCHPilot

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